After reading the triathlon book yesterday, i really learn a lot of things about the sports, and also got really motivated. I am telling myself that I want to be a triathlete.
My goal is not big at all, i am not thinking about being a world class triathlete and compete in olympic or anything like that, my target for this year is to do my first triathlon, my goal is just to finish it, maybe a sprint event.
I don't know how hard it is, maybe it's really easy becasue each of those legs (swim, cycling and run), i can do it easily individually. However, that's not triathelon, and doing it seperately is just a different animal. Maybe i can do it now without training, or maybe I won't be able to finish it at all, i will never know until i actually try it.
So, i am aiming at the Kirkland triathlon which will happen in september, that gives me a long long time to train. But that's not the hard part. Being known myself for 27 years, the hard part gonna be consistently hitting the gym, training consistently will be my biggest challenge.
For example, I have already skipped gym two times the past three days, haha.... yes, you read it right. I was gonna go friday night and last night, but ended up not going both times, but I did managed to go ride earlier this afternoon, which was nice becasue it was sunny, and I was riding a new route - green river trial.
The question I need to ask myself is, am I trying to do too much in my life? Obviously I have work, that's like a fixed event, then there's school, photography, basketball, family, girlfriend, etc, I am feeling that I am even spending less and less time with my friends these days. So the question is, can I fit triathlon training in my schedule? can I exercise 5 times a week at least?
Man, before knowing the answer, i already know this will be tough for me, but I really want to do it!
After reading the triathlon book, one thing I really remember is all triathlete doesn't watch TV. Think about it, I do think that I am watching too much TV each week, consider each NBA game is 2 ~ 3 hours at least, and i think i am watching more than 1 game per week at least, then there's sports center every night, and there's also these other shows that I watch now and then, i could be watching TV ~10 hours a week easily. If you do the math, i can easily have 10 hours per week to exercise if I don't watch TV. 10 hours a week, that translate to 5 times a week, and 2 hours each. 2 hours seems enough for each work out session.
Now, it all comes to execution, it's doable, but can I do it?
Am I giving myself excuses already by thinking that class and work will prevent me hitting the gym? Am I setting myself up for failure?
I don't know....... Only time can tell me the answer.
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