After IM Whistler
it's been about 6 weeks after Whistler IM, of course I have managed to lose fitness, gain weight, and eat tons of ice cream. For the past 2 years, it's always been the same, I would jump start my fat-gaining process right after my A-race of the season. To be honest, the best I could do is damage control, try to shorten my rest/recovery period after the A-race, start my training as early as possible, work out as much as I can and eat the least amount of junk.
Mini Victoria getaway
Besides running the full marathon myself, Mabel is also running her fourth half marathon on her birthday! I am very proud of her, most people party and pig out on their birthday, who would run on their birthday, let along a half marathon! That was the main reason she signed up for the Victoria run. The other reason is because they have nice runner shirt! take a look below.
However, I just want to ask, how come the women's colors are always better? Men colors are so boring!

This is the before picture, I look terrible. We woke up early in the morning, had breakfast and got ready for the run. The nice thing about staying at a hotel right next to the starting line. I walked Mabel to the start line, waited for couple minutes and off she go!
I watched a couple more minutes and decided to go back to the room, I turned around and realized that the runners running on the other side. So, I decided to watch and cheer for a little bit and 'hope' that I would see Mabel. Before I realized she's right there and waved at me. I yelled 加油 to encourage her.
Food, food, food, food, and food.... and food

This is the corn beef harsh that Mabel ordered, a side order and it's HUGE. I think she ate it all, lol.

Did I mention that it was Mabel's big day? And we ran a full and half marathon that morning? yeah, i think I did, so we were too sore and painful to walk or even drive anywhere, we ended up eating at the hotel
I would want to say this is our best meal while in Victoria.

The server was nice, but forgetful, haha..... When we made reservation, I told them that it's my wife birthday but nothing different special happened during dinner. Only after we got back to our room, somebody knocked on the door and there you go the birthday cake/dessert. 

Before we head back to Seattle, we booked massage at the hotel that morning. I would it's average given the price, but I love how I got the whole place to myself! Mabel and I used the mineral pool, sauna and steam room, not bad... not bad...

That's it for now, i know it's getting way too long and I am having a hard time staying focus.
Until next time.