I don't know, I just got lazy and never come up with anything to talk about, or when I have something to talk about I am not in front of the computer.
Anyway... I don't really have anything specific to talk about today neither, it's just that my friend stephen showed me his new blog, then i started playing with my own blog, put picture up, change some settings and decided to write one as well.

So I was cleaning up my desktop a little bit and saw this picture from last year Hawaii guys trip. Man.. it seems like a long time ago and I still remember it was crazy that we had so much fun. I miss the sunshine, I miss the beaches and I miss surfing. Water in the northwest is just way too cold to even think about surfing. In fact, I just got a new surf shorts two days ago from Bellevue Square, they were having a sale of 60 bucks for two shorts, while one short is like 50 something. Gosh... it took me a long time to realize that I should take advantage of this deal =)
So when is the next guys trip going to happen, I wonder??